BrusselsBrussels +32 (0) 2 372 91 68

How does F&L deliver value?

It's about YOU
Market players coming together

A multi-stakeholder community talk through F&L to solve problems, find collaborators,  listen to and learn from the market, ask questions & contribute topics / expertise for discussion.  “Getting things done” and accelerating competitiveness.

This is for senior business leaders who want themselves and their teams to look outside their own organisations.  We seek and maintain a mix of skills, experiences, perspectives, industry sectors, job functions, manufacturing remit, transport mode, geographic spread and more.  F&L is independent, not-for-profit and does not lobby.  Discussion is confidential.  

 F&L is a unique business network.  Market-led dialogue, knowledge exchange, insight & collaboration.


“Sharing knowledge is how we see around the corner is times of intense pressure and change”

Different formats

“I don’t see the same old thing re-packaged here: F&L is unique insight from industry & knowledge which is not mainstream”

“The annual fee is amazing value; €1,950 per company per year”

“Super-senior across Europe; this is a powerful platform for our sector”

The network talks year-round.  We come together online & in-person, in small topic-driven groups, as a full network, in your country and others, for short meetings and for longer discussions, ensuring that we access all facets of the dialogue.  In-person meetings are interactive and focus on tangible outcomes for all.  Online meetings are short, focus on what’s happening today – now, and get straight to the point.  All participants and members sit at the same table because, in this organisation, everyone is vital to the smooth operation of the global supply chain and logistics sector and you all have a part to play in its success.  

What is F&L's impact?

+ A range of strategic topics critical to today’s business leaders. 

+ A breadth of participation crossing industry sectors, country borders and job functions, encouraging a range of skills, experiences & interests.

+ Collaborative discussion.  We try to steer the mix and balance of topics / discussions / engagement formats to add maximum value.  

+ We meet members current and future in their own backyards and refuse to accept F&L delivering anything but the best to its multi-stakeholder community.

+ We keep our network fresh and look always for expertise, experience, insights and new perspectives.

+ Independence and confidentiality.

Member companies are shown here (for members’ benefit, the network includes a much wider range of thought-leaders, experts, academics, NGOs, regulators, policy-makers and more than you see on the page).  

“There are so many takeaways that I cannot summarise – F&L is an amazing platform for networking, inspiration, learning what works for others and what we should maybe avoid.  I have a lot of new contacts and look forward to the next event”

“If you look at history, innovation doesn’t come just from giving people incentives; it comes from creating environments where their ideas can connect”

“F&L’s format is super-good because it’s not too big and not too small; you have the ability to  connect with nearly everyone – and it’s the right insight between critical topics and current market developments”